chronicling an oven affair

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

an introduction of sorts

I'm not very good at a lot of things. In fact, I wouldn't say I'm good at baking either, but it's one of the few things I'm not completely hopeless at. Nothing gives me more pleasure than the smell of my (successful) creations wafting from the oven, or the sight of friends and family enjoying my pastries. I'm constantly looking forward to the weekends when I can relieve the stresses of the week with my trusty Kitchenaid. Baking has come to be more than a hobby for me; it's therapy.

My passion for baking began when I was much younger. I started off with cake mixes and slowly progressed to more complex recipes. I endeavour to one day reach the level of my grandmother, who can bake and cook anything with no need for recipes and measurements, relying solely on taste and instinct.

I start this blog with the intention to chronicle my baking adventures and to help those just starting out, as so many bakers (through recipe books and food blogs) have helped me. Do refer to my inspiration page (still work in progress) for their links. I'm sure you will be blown away by their works too.


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